
The Gehry Towers of Eisenhower: The National Civic Art Society Report on the Eisenhower Memorial. Jan. 2012.

Selected Articles

Trump Is Right: America’s New Buildings Are Ugly.” City Journal. 31 Jan. 2025.

Make America Beautiful Again.” 21 Aug. 2024.

Trump’s Right: Americans Deserve Nice Public Buildings — Even if Elites Sneer.” New York Post. 24 Oct. 2020.

Monument to Failure: The Federal Government’s Misguided Historic Preservation Agenda.” First Things. Mar. 2016. [PDF here]

It’s Time to Rebuild New York’s Original Penn Station.” Forbes. 27 Jan. 2016.

Towering Infernal: The Trouble with Two World Trade Center.” Weekly Standard. 21 Sep. 2015. [PDF here]

Bob Dole Is Wrong: The Eisenhower Memorial Needs to Be Right, Not Rushed.” Roll Call. 6 Aug. 2015.

A First Look at the National World War I Memorial Competition: The Best Entries Are All Classical.” Forbes. 4 Aug. 2015.

Why Can’t the New Urbanists Get a Fair Shake?Forbes. 21 May 2015.

The American Institute of Architects’ Outreach Campaign Is Doomed to Fail.” Forbes. 18 Mar. 2015.

Architecture Continues to Implode: More Insiders Admit the Profession Is Failing.” Forbes. 8 Jan. 2015.

Frank Gehry Is Right: 98% of Architecture Today ‘Has No Respect for Humanity’.” Forbes. 3 Dec. 2014.

Opposition to Gehry’s Controversial Eisenhower Memorial Is Clearly Bipartisan.” Roll Call. 11 Mar. 2014: 20.

It’s Time to Bury Frank Gehry’s Eisenhower Memorial.” Roll Call. 3 Feb. 2014.

Why Congress Should Support a New Eisenhower Memorial.” Public Discourse. 8 May 2013.

We Must Preserve the Founders’ Classical Vision for Our Nation’s Capital.” Public Discourse. 17 Jan. 2013.

A Video-Game Eisenhower Memorial?Daily Caller. 24 Oct. 2012.

Michael Oakeshott and the Separation of Powers.” Law and Liberty. 2 Sept. 2012.

Not Proven: A Review of Charles Murray’s Coming Apart.” Law and Liberty. 26 Apr. 2012.

The Debate over Classical vs. Contemporary Architecture Needs to Continue.” The Washington Post. 24 May 2012.

Let’s Not Politicize the Eisenhower Memorial.” Huffington Post. 1 Mar. 2012.

Frank Gehry’s ‘Eisen Curtain’ Must Not Descend Upon the National Mall.” Daily Caller. 12 Oct. 2011.

Did Toby Young Plagiarize Passages From the Times for How to Lose Friends & Alienate People?New York Magazine. 3 Oct. 2008.

When Harry Met Sal: The Birth of the Man-Crush Romantic Comedy.” National Review Online. 21 Sept. 2007.

That’s Amaro: Ease into the Old World of Italian Bitters.” The Onion. 23 Aug. 2007: 39

Blind Justice: A Review of William Ian Miller’s An Eye for an Eye.” First Things (Dec. 2006): 53-55.

Rabbi Joseph Shubow,” The Encyclopedia Judaica, second edition, ed. Michael Berenbaum (Thomson, 2006).

Does James Bond Have a License to Kill?: The Rules and Regulations of British Intelligence, Explained.” Slate. 16 Nov. 2006. Broadcast on NPR’s “Day to Day” as “The Truth About British Spies.” 20 Nov. 2006.

The Prince and the Dandy: A Review of Nicholas Antongiavanni’s The Suit: a Machiavellian Approach to Men’s Style.” Claremont Review of Books 6 (Fall 2006): 66. [PDF here]

Better than a Park Bench: Street-Fashion Blogs Keep Tabs on the World’s Most Stylish Pedestrians.” Slate. 21 Jul. 2006.

Philosophers and Kings: A Review of Paul Franco’s Michael Oakeshott: An Introduction.” The Common Review. 4 (Fall 2005): 32-37.

Rule of the Fox: A Review of Isaiah Berlin: Letters 1928-1946.” The Common Review. 4 (Summer 2005): 42-47.

Defining Terrorism Down: A Review of Charles Townshend’s Terrorism: A Very Short Introduction.” Society 42 (Mar./Apr. 2005): 92-94.

Beyond Progress & Decline: A Review of John O’Malley’s Four Cultures of the West.” The New York Sun 30 Dec. 2004: 18.

“Judge Hammerman: An Appreciation.” Baltimore Jewish Times. 19 Nov. 2004.

Cold Comfort: The Misrepresentation at the Center of The Fast Runner.” The American Prospect Online. 28 Feb. 2003.

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Selected Letters

At Last, a Plan to Rebuild Penn Station.” The New York Times, Oct. 10, 2016.

Letter in Response to Former Senator Bob Dole’s Op-Ed Defending the Eisenhower Memorial. The Washington Post. Apr. 30, 2015.

Letter in Response to Paul Goldberger’s Vanity Fair Article on the Eisenhower Memorial Controversy. Vanity Fair Oct. 2012.

Justin Shubow, president and chairman of the board at the National Civic Art Society, responds to RECORD editor-in-chief Cathleen McGuigan’s July editorial, which criticizes his organization’s handling of the Eisenhower Memorial.” Architectural Record Jul. 18, 2012.

On Philip Kennicott and the Eisenhower Memorial’s Soviet Style. The Washington Post Mar. 31, 2012.

The Eisenhower Memorial, Seen From Two Angles.” The New York Times Feb. 13, 2012.

Miracle Whip Funnier Than Harvard Band.” The Harvard Crimson Oct. 21, 2002.

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